should I add another fuel filter?

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Well-Known Member
I have a savage xl and would like to know if i should add a extra fuel filter and if so, where should i mount it ?
Personal preference my man.

don't think its needed if you have a filter in the tank already but also don't think it will do much harm either.

Hellfire comes with an external fuel filter & doesnt seem to suffer any ill effects. haven't found any debris inside it either =]
If you do add one just make sure it is an 1/8 scale filter pr it may cause your motor to run lean. Had this happen to me when I first got my savage.
The stock tank comes with a filter inside and it does it's job very well. Adding filters does restrict the fuel flow to a degree and if the tank is in the stock location, adding extra filters can accentuate the half tank lean issue. Just something to think about.

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