How a two-stroke nitro engine works (beginners)

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Well-Known Member
Here is a Flash animation I made to show how a two-stroke nitro engine works. This should be of great help to beginners to the hobby, or people who haven't yet had the occasion to check out how their nitro engine works.

Obviously this is meant for beginners, but I bet a few people in the forum would see a use to that! (maybe you'll actually be able to interest your GF/wife into the hobby, who knows! (I certainly hope so for myself!)).

Hit the jump to see the animation (hosted on my website).

How a two-stroke nitro engine works (animation)

P.S: If you find any errors in the animation / explanations, please tell me so I can fix them!
Nice efofrt bud.

1 Note-technically, it's a controlled flame front that acts on the piston, not an explosion, an explosion would be knocking, or pinking. Guess the 4 years at college did teach me something, lol! Nice one buddy. :resp:
[hs] darkshine;103550 said:
Nice efofrt bud.

1 Note-technically, it's a controlled flame front that acts on the piston, not an explosion, an explosion would be knocking, or pinking. Guess the 4 years at college did teach me something, lol! Nice one buddy. :resp:

I corrected the animation. This should do the job!
Great work! I was kinda wondering how it worked myself. I understood a gas/valved engine worked but did not know how the nitro got into the cylinder. Now I do!!!

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