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  1. mtpockets

    throttle linkage

    i put an axial .28 engine on early this week and broke it in. i noticed that the carb does not open all the way and the linkage hits the tank. i messed around with yesterday but couldnt get it to work right. if you guys have any pics of your setups or anything that helps would be great. the...
  2. mtpockets

    axial break in problem

    I'm trying to break in my axial this morning but every time i remove the glow plug ignitor it dies. how do i fix this. I'm kinda new to nitro. thanks for the help in advanced.
  3. mtpockets

    convert or buy flux?

    i have a savage now that has pretty much everything on it, but now i need a motor. i cant decide if i want to convert the one i have to brushless or buy a flux and hold on to the nitro maybe put another motor in it later. what do you guys think.
  4. mtpockets

    how to remove reverse

    i bought a used savage from a guy and he had put in the 3 speed and reverse. well, now i want to take it out cause it never works and sometimes goes into 'nuetral' when i driving. what is the easist way to remove it? this is my first savage and not that familiar with them. thanks.